Galerie Kornye West Galerie Kornye West
19th & 20th century fine arts
(817) 763-5227

Timothy Norman
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Current Exhibits: Landscapes; Figural; Landscapes with Architecture
Timothy Norman received his B. A. in Painting at the University of Dallas in Irving, Texas, Phi Beta Kappa, Magna cum Laude. Timothy Norman's work is filled with images of ordinary people doing ordinary things. His focus and fascination with people comes from their humanness and their contemplation as they go about their daily routines. "Contemplation is one of the highest of man's callings. It is one of the foundational aspects of our lives; it is the thing that all philosophers try to dig down to. What does it mean to exist?" Whether they are working or playing, it is the basic and everyday things that make life extraordinary. His travels through out Europe influenced inspired his subjects and range from Portuguese to German.
The Artist of His Art

"It's the basic, ordinary things of human life that can teach us these foundational truths about our existence: about the nature of the universe, about God, about each other. So that is why my artwork focuses on everyday things- and people too, because people are a relation point for charity, for justice, for meaning in life. They are also the most fascinating of the aspects of creation."

Hitching up Sophie
"Hitching up Sophie"

Portuguese Painted Wagon
"Portuguese Painted Wagon"

Playing Dominos
"Playing Dominos"

Going Into Town
"Going Into Town"

Night Scene, Canal, Venice
"Night Scene, Canal, Venice"

Landscapes with Architecture

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