Galerie Kornye West Galerie Kornye West
19th & 20th century fine arts
(817) 763-5227

Mel Kane
Medium: Oil on Canvas; Oil on Panel
Current Exhibits: Landscapes; Figural; Marine Scenes; Landscapes with Architecture
Born in Hollywood, California, Mel grew up in the motion picture industry, playing on the movie lots, while his parents worked in the entertainment industry. As a child, he always loved to draw. Mel pursued his academic study in fine art, graduating in the 1950's from The Famous Artist's School, in Westport, Connecticut. Mel applied his artistic training, in his service with the United States Army Air Corp., as a newspaper cartoonist stationed in Germany. Upon completing his service in the military, Mel found himself returning to his childhood experiences by working in Hollywood. Mel worked for Universal Studios designing motions picture titles. He then joined Pacific Title and Art Studio as a Motion Picture Title Designer for all the major movie studios. Mel later became an executive with a large advertising agency, in charge of all radio and television commercials and won all major advertising awards. Upon retiring in the late 1980's, Mel was able to devote himself full time to the creation of fine art. Mel has won over one hundred regional and national awards.

Upon close study of Mel's paintings, it is apparent that light and color hold great significance in each composition. He incorporates these two elements with his impressionist style brushwork, to give his scenes an energetic and elegant "life" of their own. He follows in the tradition of the Impressionist painters by allowing the viewer to experience a random moment froze in time. With no posing of his figures, the people depicted in Mel's compositions seem totally immersed in their own thoughts and actions. Mel presents his figures as perfectly relaxed, at ease, and thoroughly enjoying the pleasures of life. This sense of enjoyment and relaxation corresponds directly with the personality of the artist himself.

Point Firman Lighthouse
"Point Firman Lighthouse"

Landscapes; Landscapes with Architecture
Vaquero Hill
"Vaquero Hill"

Landscapes; Landscapes with Architecture
California Farm
"California Farm"

The Meadow-Carmel Valley
"The Meadow-Carmel Valley"

The Curious
"The Curious"

In the Cove
"In the Cove"

The Lighthouse
"The Lighthouse"

Landscapes; Marine Scenes; Landscapes with Architecture
French Boats
"French Boats"

Marine Scenes

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