Galerie Kornye West Galerie Kornye West
19th & 20th century fine arts
(817) 763-5227

Dean Gurnack
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Current Exhibits: Landscapes; Still Lifes; Marine Scenes; Landscapes with Architecture
Born in New Jersey, Dean Gurnack began his career in the business field. Not until 1975 did Dean decide to commit his life to painting. Since then, he has gone through intensive and extensive artistic study. He developed his style and concerns in art early. He also was and is very dedicated to a more representational style of painting. As he stated in an interview with Rachel Perry, "I had a good idea of how I wanted my paintings to look. I did not want to be an abstract expressionist, which was what everyone was doing at that time." Dean's work has always been tied to art about life. Unlike many representational artists, Dean frequently paints from his imagination. He has trained himself to look at a scene and commit it to memory for later.
Artist of His Art

"I only paint when I've got something to say."

"I have never had a set procedure for painting a picture. I like to follow John Constable's philosophy that 'each painting should be an experiment.'"

"I try to judge every color in my work by asking four questions: 1) is the color too light or too dark; 2) is it too warm or too cool; 3) is it too intense or too gray; and 4) is it the right hue?"

"Whenever you see beauty, it makes you value life more."

Eel Pond, Woodshole
"Eel Pond, Woodshole"

Landscapes; Marine Scenes; Landscapes with Architecture
Still Life with Cantaloupe and Pears
"Still Life with Cantaloupe and Pears"

Still Lifes
Misty Dawn
"Misty Dawn"

Rockland Harbor
"Rockland Harbor "

Marine Scenes
Flowers in a Crystal Vase
"Flowers in a Crystal Vase"

Still Lifes
Melissa's Garden
"Melissa's Garden"

Still Life w/ Brass Vase
"Still Life w/ Brass Vase"

Still Lifes
Early Spring at Concord
"Early Spring at Concord"

Landscapes; Landscapes with Architecture

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